Congratulations to the 2020 Scholarship Recipients

The CMCA Scholarship Committee met in mid-July and chose recipients for the Ray Smith Scholarship Program.

The Colorado Motor Carriers Foundation is proud to announce the 2020 Ray Smith Scholarship Winners.  Congratulations and good luck as you continue your education.  Click here to learn more about the Foundation Scholarship Program.

Evan Baker

Affiliated with Aviation & Occupational Medicine

Cristian Camilo Bonilla

Calvin Dodson

Affiliated with Lincoln Tech

Gracelyn Domenico

 Affiliated with Colorado State Patrol

Laine Draper

Affiliated with Acme Distribution

Hayden Holbrook




Shannon Kos

Affiliated with Jefferson County




Sloane Lewis

Affiliated with PR Trucking



Jack Lindquist

Affiliated with Solera Bank

Jordan Long

Cheyanne Nielsen

Affiliated with Complete Energy



Shelby Olson

Affiliated with City of Loveland

Christopher Simons

Affiliated with May Trucking

Daniela Villalobos

Affiliated with Concrete Express

Wyatt Yarmer

Affiliated with The Buckner Company


Recipients ranged from High School graduating seniors to returning College and Technical School students. In total, 15 scholarships totaling $15,000 were awarded, including four for Diesel Technician training.

Annually, the Ray Smith Scholarship program helps fund continuing education / training for worthy students furthering their academic or technical training.

The Scholarship Program is funded through generous donations from CMCA members, memorial gifts and other fundraising activities.

Click here for more information on the program.

