Sponsorship Opportunities – Create a Partnership that Grows Your Business
CMCA is now offering companies an opportunity to be a Corporate Partner. These newly designed “packages” offer enhanced marketing opportunities and a greater value. Market your company to not only our membership, but to the trucking industry state-wide!
Contact Kate at 303-433-3375 ext. 104 or at [email protected] to sign up today!
CMCA Member Advertising Rates*:
Insertion Period
Web-Front Page
Slider Ad
Hotsheet-Weekly Email Newsletter and Archived (over 1,300 contacts)
1 year |
$2,200 |
$1,700 |
6 months |
$1,100 |
$900 |
3 months |
$600 |
$600 |
* Call CMCA for Non-Member Advertising Rates 303-433-3375.
Ad Specifications:
Prices shown are for single insertion with no changes in ad copy during insertion period. Payment must be received before the advertisement appears.
All Hotsheet ads must be camera-ready and sent electronically in common graphic image format (JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, etc.)
- All ads are hot-linked to advertiser’s website at no additional fee.
- All ads depend on space available. CMCA reserves the right to reject any ad.
- For detailed ad specs, contact [email protected].
Market Place – Exclusive CMCA Allied Member Benefit
CMCA’s Marketplace is the go-to place for finding quality products and services in our industry. Influential executives in Colorado’s Trucking Industry routinely search our website in support of local businesses. Linking your business with CMCA is an economical way to get your business in front of these critical decision makers. Join CMCA today to hot link your organization’s website to the new and improved Market Place.
*MarketPlace product and service categories are established by CMCA, but may be modified as needed.