Work Comp Safety Group

What is Workers' Compensation Insurance?

Colorado Motor Carriers Association’s Safety Group Program brings together Colorado transportation and trucking businesses that are committed to maintaining and enhancing industry-leading safety and claims management practices. If you qualify for the program, you receive access to resources and assistance for establishing safe working conditions.

A Four Percent Discount on Your Workers’ Compensation Premium

Members’ premium is based on their organization’s individual claims history. No member will pay more for participating in a safety group program than they would as a non-participant, and you earn additional savings on your workers’ compensation costs with an up-front discount.

Eligibility for a Safety Group Program Dividend

There is also the potential to receive a safety group program dividend. A dividend is a portion of the premium returned to a policyholder based on the safety record of the safety group program’s members. Last year alone, Pinnacol Assurance and Flood and Peterson returned over $600,000 to our members.


  • A four percent discount on your workers’ compensation premium
  • Eligibility for a safety group program dividend
  • Improved risk management and loss control


  • Safety group program training and materials
  • Risk management training — available online and in locations across the state
  • Individualized service from a Pinnacol customer-focused service team


  • Have two full-term policy periods of continuous workers’ compensation experience, excluding the current period
  • Maintain a minimum loss ratio established by the safety group program
  • Comply with the safety group program’s training requirements
  • Maintain effective hiring, safety and claims management programs
  • Demonstrate management commitment to maintaining and enhancing a safe workplace
  • Implement a return-to-work program
  • Designate and use Pinnacol SelectNet providers. Rural exception for physical locations without a SelectNet provider within 30 miles

The Pinnacol Assurance Difference

Competitive Pricing

Employer Dividends

Trucking Industry Expertise

Superior Claims Handling

Training & Resources

Colorado Proud


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Flood and Peterson

Eric Zurbrigen

Dani Beauvais

Kate Young
303-433-3375 ext. 4
[email protected]