Colorado Motor Carriers Association’s Safety Group Program brings together Colorado transportation and trucking businesses that are committed to maintaining and enhancing industry-leading safety and claims management practices. If you qualify for the program, you receive access to resources and assistance for establishing safe working conditions.
A Four Percent Discount on Your Workers’ Compensation Premium
Members’ premium is based on their organization’s individual claims history. No member will pay more for participating in a safety group program than they would as a non-participant, and you earn additional savings on your workers’ compensation costs with an up-front discount.
Eligibility for a Safety Group Program Dividend
There is also the potential to receive a safety group program dividend. A dividend is a portion of the premium returned to a policyholder based on the safety record of the safety group program’s members. Last year alone, Pinnacol Assurance and Flood and Peterson returned over $600,000 to our members.
Flood and Peterson
Eric Zurbrigen
Dani Beauvais
Kate Young
303-433-3375 ext. 4
[email protected]