CMCA Event Calendar

CMCA Calendar

DataQ’s Seminar – February 20
Feb 20 @ 8:30 am – 11:30 am

Cost: $140 members; $225 non-members & walk-ins

The What, Why and How to Successfully Challenge Incorrect Roadside Inspection Violations or Crash Information with the DataQ’s process.

Applicable for Safety Managers.

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Drug/Alcohol Policies & Procedures Seminar – March 13
Mar 13 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Cost:  $140 members, $225 non-members & walk-ins

This Seminar Covers:  General policies and requirements for alcohol and controlled substance programs as required by DOT. CFR Parts 40 and 382. Applicable for Safety Managers.

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Drug/Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion Seminar – March 13
Mar 13 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Cost:  $140 members, $225 non-members & walk-ins

This Seminar Covers:  Required training for Supervisors with Drug/Alcohol programs in their companies. CFR Parts 40 and 382. Applicable for Safety Managers.

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