Colorado does not have an official Vehicle Inspection certification program. However, you are required to understand inspection criteria set forth in 49 CFR Part 393 and Appendix G, have at least one year of training and/or experience and own an FMCSA Management Guide. Download and complete the Inspector Qualifications form to certify you meet the qualifications. Keep this form in your office files. You ARE NOT required to file it with anyone. This can be used to provide a certification to your customers. For additional information on these criteria, you can go to the FMCSA website.
If you have a roadside inspection with no violations, it is not necessary to return a signed copy of that report to our office. You should keep a copy in your company files, however. Copies of roadside inspections should be kept for at least one year after the date of the inspection.
How long you have to correct a violation depends upon whether the violation was an “Out-of-Service” (OOS) violation. An OOS violationmust be corrected before the vehicle can be operated again. A non-OOS violation must be corrected prior to next dispatch. A copy of the report, bearing a company official’s and/or a mechanic’s signature must be returned to the enforcement agency identified in the report at the address provided. Most inspections completed in Colorado can be returned to the Colorado State Patrol Motor Carrier Safety Section at 15075 S. Golden Rd., Golden CO 80401 or faxed to our office at 303-273-1939. You do not need to send associated work orders or receipts along with the report.
No. Payments on tickets (also known as Uniform Summons & Complaints) need to be mailed to the Colorado Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Section. It is important to retain a copy of the ticket & payment information for your records in case it gets lost in the mail. The mailing address for tickets issued by the Colorado State Patrol is the Colorado Department of Revenue, Department A, Denver CO. 80243. You can also take your payment to the main office for the Colorado Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Section, at 1881 Pierce St., Lakewood CO 80214
Roadside inspections contribute greatly to a carrier’s and to a driver’s safety rating. Violations that are found could impact and increase your score, which could lead to a compliance review. Inspections having no violations can help to lower your score, improving the overall score. See the FAQ section on CSA Safety Scores and Records for more information.
No. The Motor Vehicle Section of the Colorado Department of Revenue does not accept payments over the phone. If it is too late to mail your payment (more than 20 days), you can either: Go in person to the Colorado Department of Revenue Motor Vehicle Section at 1881 Pierce St., Lakewood, CO 80214; or Contact the Ticket and Citation Section of the Colorado Department of Revenue Motor Vehicle Section at 303-205-5613 and discuss payment arrangements with a representative. There is likely to be an extended hold time. If that number is busy after repeated attempts, you may call the main number at 303-205-5600 and choose the option for ticket and citation information.
Certified or uncertified copies of your MVR can be requested through the Colorado Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Section. You can obtain uncertified copies through any full service Driver’s License office. Certified copies can only be obtained through the main office at 1881 Pierce St., Lakewood, CO 80214. The cost is $2.20 for an uncertified copy and $2.70 for a certified copy.
You will need to call the Colorado Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Section, at 1881 Pierce St. in Lakewood, CO 80214. You can either call 303-205-5613 or 303-205-5600 and select the option for ticket and citation information.
You will need to contact the county court identified in your summons to ask whether they can make accommodations or other arrangements regarding the summons to appear. To determine the right county court, we will ask for either the name of the county you received the ticket in or the number that is entered into the “county” field on the summons.
If you do not agree with a violation you received a ticket for and want to challenge it, you will need to go to court in the county where you received the ticket on the date indicated on the Uniform Summons and Complaint. If you have additional questions as to why you received the ticket, it may be helpful to talk with the law enforcement officer who issued it to you or your driver.
You may challenge a violation you received on an inspection report by filing a Data Quality challenge (DataQ). Visit this page on DataQ Challenges for more information on completing this.
Colorado Motor Carriers Association
4060 Elati St, Denver CO 80216
Weekdays: 8:00am–4:30pm
Weekends: Closed
Phone: (303) 433-3375
© 2021 CMCA